Written in the Stars: Emotionally Unavailable Podcast
Listen to Emotionally Unavailable podcaster Malisa Hapner interview me. I took a look at her chart for me! I know you’ll love this episode so give it a listen!
Unlock Business Potential with Self-Love
Stuck under a glass ceiling in your spiritual business? Have you tried self-love, mindfulness. Try business astrology for faster results.
Tko želiš biti – je li poduzetništvo za svakoga
U ovoj podcast epizodi govorim kako znati imamo li to što treba da budemo poduzetnici i kako razviti sigurnost u sebi prije nego što potvrdu dobijemo izvana.
Kako postati terapeut i važnost zajednice
U ovoj epizodi samnom je Violeta Mišić, vlasnica Wellness Solutions-a, povratnica iz Londona. Govorimo o karijernom putu terapeuta i zašto je bolje u Hrvatskoj.
Moja iskustva u poslovnim membershipima
U ovoj epizodi podcasta djelim iskustva članstva u poslovnim membershipima koja su mi bila velika podrška na poduzetničkom putu. Otkrijte zašto.
Svrha nije temelj uspješnog biznisa
Što vas istinski veseli i zašto je svrha važan dio uspjeha. Kakve veze imaju ljudi s kojima se družite s vašim uspjehom.
Prvo volim sebe pa tebe
Da biste bili u kvalitetnoj vezi, trebate prvo voljeti sebe. Odnosi su kompliciran projekt i često nam mogu izazvati anksioznost i narušiti mentalno zdravlje ako nemamo dobro postavljene granice. Pročitajte kako to možemo izbjeći i kako voljeti na održiv način, a kako izbjeći zaluđenost.
4 Tips for Entrepreneurs to Stay Motivated When it’s Hard
Overwhelmed with information and insecure? It’s time to develop positive habits and cultivate a strong mindset bcs your work matters.
Mindfulness – experience self love via non self, non knowledge and observing
What are the origins of mindfulness, and deeper socio cultural context of this beautiful meditation practice. Self care and mental health was always a part of daily rituals of excellence of Stoics, and incredible wisdom of longevous and resilient Chinese civilization and Zen Budhism. Here is why we should practice it.
How to be a Fierce and Feminine Leader
I want to use this opportunity to showcase the women and rejoice that we get to live at times when women can live at own terms…and knowing it’s perfectly OK. Are you ready to take that big bold step towards your dreams? How to do it?
4 Tools to Calm Yourself Quickly when Upset or Anxious
We all feel anxious or upset at one point or another, however great our lives may be, because we are humans and humans...
20 Life Lessons I Learned from Living on Bali
1. Before coming to Bali I had a vision, that helped me connect to things I love as I was drowning in disconnection on...
How Dance Helped me Heal Codependency
“Dance, and make joyous the love around you. Dance, and your veils which hide the Light shall swirl in a heap at your...
Life is Your Playground
Life is actually a computer simulation. Elon Musk said it the other day. We are the protagonists, the Super Mario, the...