

Even though at times you may feel like your work has no impact, and you hear crickets instead of chi-ching sound of sales, it’s ok. It’s a normal part of a working cycle of an entrepreneur.


It’s important to keep creating for the sake of it, without expectations. The rewards will come.


 “We must do our work for its own sake, not for fortune or attention or applause.”

― Steven Pressfield, The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles


Keep creating, keep pushing.


80 % of your effort creates 20% of success, it’s a numbers game. 


One important thing about this is to develop a strong mindset, so you don’t have to keep believing that suffering and anxiety are madatory.


What to do when those days of 0 motivation hit hard.


We all have those days when we don’t feel inspired or motivated to be productive. Some times you feel like you are paralyzed by fear to take futher steps in your business. God knows I had a fair share of those.


 “Are you paralyzed with fear? That’s a good sign. Fear is good. Like self-doubt, fear is an indicator. Fear tells us what we have to do. Remember one rule of thumb: the more scared we are of a work or calling, the more sure we can be that we have to do it.”

― Steven Pressfield, The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks & Win Your Inner Creative Battles


What can you do during those tough times?


1. Develop strong mindset


What is a strong mindset?


It is the ability to go through the diffciulties in life with 0 friction. In other words it means to develop a thick skin. The wining attitude of 0 fucks given.


How to apply it in practice?


By applying positive habits such as affirmations. When the self-doubt and inner critic kick in take a few deep breaths and affirm –  I am clear on my purpose. I am clear on my goals. (If you are not clear on your purpose yet, read this article). I matter, my work matters and it genuinely helps others even when I don’t constantly see the proof of it.


I am comitted to keeping a steady course and focus and I will reach my goals. It is a matter of time.


In case you haven’t set clear goals – there is your solution. This is a great time to set clear monthly, yearly goals to reach. By setting your business plan, despite how annoying the activity may be, you get clarity on types of income gaining activies you want to invest your energy in and which you should ditch.


2. Incorporate tons of self-love in your day


Your work is not your life. We do not live to work. There are other important parts of life. Family, friends, fun. Self-love habits are a must to be able to keep going in business.


Go shopping. Go to the beach. Take a walk. Take a short vacation. Get that breath of fresh air, your self love activity, that you need desperately to avoid burnout.


By finding ways to self-love you will raise your energy and let the positive movement into your life.


3. Help others


Sometimes, a great way to overcome lack of motivation and self doubt is to do good deeds for others.


At any point in your life, however hard it may feel, you will have something that others need – network, knowledge, funds, kind words, a helpful hand, and it is beautiful act of kindness to extend your energy and help others.


By helping others our confidence increases because we realize that we are powerful even when weak and that our lives are meaningful even if we are facing blocks in some areas of our life.


4. Join a community

The universe will meet you where you meet yourself. 


You are not happy with where you are? What to create an online business but overwhelmed with information and afraid will your business feed you and cover your loan expenses? You want to scale your business?

Join a community of peers. Humans are wired for connection. In the community you meet other entrepreneurs with same challenges, you understand you are not alone. Here is what Forbes says about it.


You give and get support.


You feel seen and heard.


For me joining a community was the best solution to build and scale my business. I took courses, and joined facebook groups but none of it had the same steady support of a community. I joined 3 business communities in the past 2 years.


The first was for DIY for small businesses  – where I got to revise the basics of business planning, website, emails, marketing, launching, etc. 


My favourite were the live calls 3 x a month, with mentorship – asking for solutions, co-working times and just talking to members about what was happening. Such as charging for out of the box services, handling difficult clients…


It’s great to have a mentor to model what you want to achieve and accountability but also amazing to be able to know there are others out there working on their passion business you can connect to and learn from.


The second was the business board of SME’s in Croatia – finding solutions and opportunities within the legal framework of conducting business in Croatia. I have created some good partnerships and worked through the red tape restrictions, trained members entrepreneurial mindset.


And finally the memebership building community, with international powehouses creating out of the box business with community membership model. Lot’s of leaning and very inspiring business lady bosses peers.


The bottom line is everyone has struggles and challenges in entrepreneurship, and you can chose to be smart at how you overcome them. There is support available if you ask. Look into my new membership, for business coaching, overcoming challenges with the power of community.