
We all feel anxious or upset at one point or another, however great our lives may be, because we are humans and humans experience different spectrum of emotions on daily basis. It’s normal part of life.

Sometimes the feelings get too hard to bare, they get overwhelming and at the same time we do need to function properly, work and carry out our obligations so it is necessary to learn how to deal with it when this happens.

Here are some suggestions how to calm ourselves down quickly when we are super upset or anxious. I had it happen to me recently and I calmed myself with yoga and EFT.

Here are the tools that I practice and what I would recommend you try them as well because they are simple, available and they work.

1. Yoga

Whether it is a short 20 minute session at home, or going for a full 1,5 hour class, focused physical activity such as yoga is great for grounding the excessive emotional and mental energy we have when we are anxious.

The movement practice, breathing and focus helps disrupt the state of anxiety. It’s also called pattern interrupt in NLP as we switch the focus from obsessive thinking to moving our body in space.

By doing yoga we move the negative thoughts and feelings through the body and release them. It is a wonderfully soothing and grounding practice.

2. Jurnaling

Using a paper and pen and brain dumping or automated writing is an excellent technique for venting the thoughts and emotions that are upsetting us. In the process of writing we gain clarity on what thoughts are causing us to be upset and we are distancing ourselves from them, experiencing them outside of us.

I am not my thoughts or emotions”. When we put it on paper, it lets go of us.

Once you unload, you will start feeling easier. The emotions will lift. You will regain clarity of mind.

The negative thoughts usually come in the form of self-judgement, the should haves, the ought -tos. The very process of exposing the thought will help us understand IT’S not true.

3. EFT – Emotinal Freedom Technique or tapping

By tapping on 12 specific areas of our head and upper body, we access the energy of the body and clear the depression or upset in matter of minutes.

Like acupuncture and acupressure, Tapping is a set of techniques which utilize the body’s energy meridian points. You can stimulate these meridian points by tapping on them with your fingertips – literally tapping into your body’s own energy and healing power.

Your body is more powerful than you can imagine… filled with life, energy, and a compelling ability for self-healing. With Tapping, you can take control of that power.

4. Essential oils

Even though they tend to get a bad rep, essential oils are amazing gifts from nature. Imagine those little bottles contain concentrated goodness from flowers, plants and seeds.

They have a very high energetic frequency and those molecules of oils work with our organism on different levels: emotional, energetic, physical and hormonal level.

So how essential oils for depression actually work– the aromatic molecules present naturally in essential oils can cross the blood/brain barrier and have a direct impact on areas of the brain which control feelings of depression, anxiety and stress and rework it.

Some oils that are used to clear depression and upset are: Yang-Ylang, Chamomile, Lavender, Grapefruit, Bergamot, Lemon, Orange, Sage, Geranium…. Its very important that you chose oil that you enjoy, not the one that makes you nauseous or has irritating smell to you.

You should connect to the oil and enjoy it.

There are more tools to be used, but this should keep you covered for now. If the upset gets too hard to shake off, or starts sabotaging your daily responsibilities at work or home, you should see a professional.