
Are you expecting more from your spiritual business?

Unlock business potential with self-love


Only if you were putting in more work, if you were more consistent…

Or if you had done ten times more, like a superwoman…

But the number of clients did not increase.

As a result, how can you align with success instead of feeling stuck in the mud?

In your spiritual business sometimes it feels icky to go into defining the niche process and it’s hard to communicate about what you do.

Understandably, marketing strategy is hard with something this intangible.

You started on your own a few years ago, however, now, after all the work you’ve been putting in, it feels like you are stuck in the mud of day-to-day work.

Like you are functioning on the curb and you just want to manifest a waiting list.

Furthermore, even though you many things such as working with a business coach, hiring virtual assistants, collaborating with copywriters, improving your money mindset, taking coaching courses, even undergoing therapy, it all felt flat.

You felt unheard and fell deeper into the rabbit hole of anxiety if you are doing it right…



By investing energy in self-care, you can move forward

more effectively.


What if, instead of needing to do more and better, it was about how can I love myself more exactly where you are?

As empaths and highly sensitive people, it is hard to put boundaries. We are often people pleasing and in our eagerness to help with our gifts we sometimes tend to overextend ourselves.

Moreover, my last entrepreneur coaching Passion Biz Membership, I did put in all the work. I trained with one of the best in the field – Lisa Princic. She is an excellent business coach and mentor.

Made the sales page, the outline, the member journey, tech etc, Facebook adds, recorded the courses. I went all in. FInally, 2 groups went trough my coaching and mentoring program and after all that just felt exhausted, tired, unfulfilled.

The truth was I was overextending myself and my negative belief was “I am worthy of success only when I work my self to extinction” instead of self-care, loving myself.



How can I love my self more


How can I love my self in in business sounds a bit weird, right?

It means, actually doing the work that I love, making it fun, involving my heart.

Giving myself the rest, the nurture, the self-care I need.

Also, I was afraid to step out with the love of business astrology, to show that vulnerable place inside of me

because of belief “Who will need it, people will make fun of me…”

Last effort to bring in new members to my business coaching group with a 5 day challenge fell flat. 0 sales.

On the other hand business astrology opened up, people expressed interest to learn business astrology from me.

My Intution in business astrology workshop was sold out and several more private readings ensued.

I had to clear those underlying beliefs of self-doubt and feeling unworthy, move to a heart felt space to be able to get unstuck in my business.

Do any achievements or successes help you trust yourself more? Or is there still that self-doubt, fears and need for validation?



Here are prompts from mindfulnes meditation of Tara

Brach. We will use it as journaling prompts


By journaling the hard emotions, we can ublock those underlying negative beliefs and free inner space for manifestation.

Find a quiet space and allow 10 min for this exercise free of any disturbance. Take pen and paper.

When you start feeling that squeeze, that negative feeling, that is the point of entry.

Let the situation be there and just freeze the frame. This is me when I am doubting my okness.

Recognize and allow. This is a portal to investigate.

What are you believing?

What do you believe will go wrong?

Where do you feel this – in your throat, chest, or belly?

What is it like? Tightness or ache. Squeeze or fear or shame.

Ask yourself is the belief true?

And what happens when you believe it?

How has this affected my life?

What happens in my relationship, in my business, when I believe this?

Offer a gesture of kindness inwardly. (I love you, it’s going to be OK, etc).

What would my life be like if I didn’t believe this?

Who would I be if I didn’t believe this?

Allow the process to settle and comment below what insight you got in this self care process. How can you include this in your new mindset?

Join Astro Biz Boost for in person exercises to unblock your spiritual business.

Thank you for the photo Unsplash.

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