
Privacy Policy

Protection of Privacy

We at Iva Tarle Coaching consider the privacy and confidentiality of personal data to be paramount and always respect visitors’ privacy to our websites.

The Data You Share With Us

a) Information You Submit Through Application Forms

  • ARCHETYPE IN ASTROLOGY Form: Name, Email address

b) Information Automatically Collected

Iva Tarle Coaching uses cookies to collect information regarding IP addresses, downloaded content, number of visitors, visit duration, and demographic data of visits for each country, all for statistical purposes. Besides processing through Google Analytics, Iva Tarle Coaching does not disclose this collected information to third parties, except under legal obligation. Learn more about cookies and how to disable them.

In addition to the above-mentioned statistical information, our websites do not collect visitor information except for what visitors voluntarily and independently provide during communication with Iva Tarle Coaching. All personal information revealed during such communication remains strictly confidential and is processed in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

How Your Data Is Used

  • Email Addresses: The email addresses provided are used exclusively for sending newsletters, which may be sent daily, weekly, or monthly, depending on your preference indicated on the application form.
  • Database Storage: Email addresses are stored in a database associated with newsletter generating services. Iva Tarle Coaching has implemented all necessary security measures to ensure the data is used solely for its intended purposes.
  • Form Submissions: Information provided through application forms is used to respond to inquiries. Anonymous data may be used for statistical purposes or for promotional purposes.
  • Cookies: Information collected through cookies is used to optimize user experience and track general page views and traffic analysis through Google Analytics.
  • Surveys: Occasionally, Iva Tarle Coaching conducts surveys to assess the impact of its activities. These surveys are conducted electronically or in writing, with individual purposes and data usage outlined in the data collection form. Inquiries related to specific surveys can be sent to iro@iro.hr.
  • Data Retention: Your data is stored as long as it is needed for the purpose for which it was provided. Email addresses provided for newsletter purposes are stored as long as the newsletter service is offered unless you cancel the subscription. Other data is retained as long as justified by its purpose or a legal retention period. You can request deletion or modification of your data at any time.

Who Has Access to Your Data?

Authorized personnel can access your data stored in a protected database on Iva Tarle Coaching and Mailchimp servers for purposes aligned with legal bases or for purposes you have voluntarily disclosed. Contractual obligations bind these personnel and are compliant with GDPR through internal policies, confidentiality agreements, and personal data protection regulations.

Data Sharing with Third Parties

Iva Tarle Coaching uses third-party network services for managing newsletters and site traffic analysis. Relationships between Iva Tarle Coaching and third parties are regulated by GDPR-compliant agreements ensuring personal data is used solely for its intended purposes. External services with access to your data are governed by contracts aligned with GDPR.

Data Sharing with Third Parties Outside the UK and EU

Our websites use services such as Mailchimp for newsletter distribution, which may involve transmitting your data (e.g., email address) to countries outside the UK or EU where data storage servers are located. These countries may not have the same data protection laws as the EU. By providing your data, you consent to its transfer, storage, and use as described in this Privacy Policy. We will take all necessary steps to ensure your data’s protection in accordance with this policy.

Your Rights Under GDPR

  • Access: Request confirmation and access to your processed personal data.
  • Correction: Request correction of incorrect personal data (e.g., update your email address).
  • Deletion: Request deletion of your data from our database.
  • Transferability: Request transfer of your data to another database in a machine-readable format.
  • Complaint: File a complaint and request restriction or termination of your data processing.
  • Usage Restrictions: Request to stop the processing of your data at any time.
  • Oppose Automated Profiling: Oppose automated profiling of your data.

If you have any questions about these policies, please contact us at [hi@ivatarlecoaching.com]