
Perhaps you have low self- confidence. Are you also over-thinking, worrying, analyzing too much.

Maybe you are afraid about your future. Or not motivated and off track with your exercise regime and self-care and want to change that.

Progress is impossible if you do the things in life the same way as you have always done them.

Successful people train their brains to get what they really want and increase their confidence, productivity and income.

The secret is in knowing that you can change.

If you are attached to believing you are not worthy for attracting something beautiful that’s what the universe will giveback to you. What you believe is what you get.

The ‘secret of life’ is BELIEF. Rather than genes, it is our beliefs that control our lives, Bruce H. Lipton

People need to realize that their thoughts are more primary than their genes, because the environment, which is influenced by our thoughts, controls the genes.

Bruce H. Lipton, the Biology of Belief

To train your thoughts to be positive, to expect positive, to focus on what you want and how it makes you feel instead of what you don’t want.

Who do you want to become?

Let’s see what are successful people doing to avoid low self-confidence and overwhelm: Tony Robbins, Tim Ferris, Bill Gates, Barack Obama, Arianna Huffington, Arnold Schwarzeneger, Deepak Chopra, Ellen DeGeneres, Mick Jagger, Lady Gaga, Jerry Seinfeld, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, Brendon Burchard, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Howard Shultz, Benjamin Franklin, Richard Branson….and many more.

They are all doing an empowering morning ritual-  they take time proactively every morning to take care of themselves FIRST to make sure they are in a strong state so they can create a day and the life they want.

Tony Robbins calls it priming, Hour of power, 30 minutes to thrive, 15 min to fulfillment.

The moment you change your perception is the moment you rewrite the chemistry of your body., Bruce H. Lipton, the biology of belief. Model the most successful people so you can get where they are.

Maximize the multi-potent energy when they wake up – meditate

Many people grab their phones first thing in the morning and start checking their social media, or emails. Peeking into other people’s social media, getting envious…annoyed…If we jump from self-focus to things outside ourselves and get involved in thinking, getting annoyed and basically reacting, its wasting our potential.

Research has shown that when we wake up we are at our peak potential of the day, energy wise.  We are at the most of our creative potential, focus, void of thoughts and emotions. It’s like we are a little magical ball ready to manifest.

We want to use this peak energy to maximize our day and our life.

The first thing we should do when we open our eyes in the morning is to MEDITATE or pray to connect to the source, to our inner space.

“I am too tired in the morning, I will fall asleep”, some of my clients said. There is a remedy for that: do a 2 minute fast exercise like Tim Ferris, jump into the cold pool like Tony Robbins or just simply get up and drink a glass of water.

Recommended length is from 10 – 30 minutes of meditation.

Feel gratitude to multiply the good in their life

Don’t know what to be grateful for? How about starting by being grateful you are alive. You are healthy. You have food on the table, roof over your head.

Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough. Oprah Winfrey

Gratefulness is the magic of life. Express the gratefulness every morning to weave magic into your life.

Imagine a moment from your life you are grateful for. It can be any moment. Big or small.

Set intentions for the day, month,year and visualize them

“What good shall I do this day?”was the sentence Benjamin Franklin was asking himself every morning as a part of his morning ritual.

Ask yourself empowering questions.

Visualize 3 things you want to accomplish like they are already done. See the results you want to achieve. How do you feel then:  accomplished, happy, exhilarated, alive, on the top of the world??!!

When you hold the dream independent of the environment, that’s greatness! Joe Dispenza.

It’s about holding your vision high, and ueling it with thoughts and positive emotions every day.

Give yourself confidence to manifest their goals

Feeling low confidence, insecure, not sure you can make it? By writing or repeating affirmations that empower you, you become your biggest fan. You can deliberately pick affirmations that strengthen you at your weakest points.

Jack Canfield in Success Principles says you should write a list of the successes you had form age 0-20 and 20 – 40 and look at it every day to remind yourself of who you are. Also, you can make a list of daily or weekly successes to congratulate yourself on your accomplishments. Something simple but so empowering: I closed the deal with a client, I bought the tickets for my big trip, I threw away all the unnecessary things from my house, etc.

Grounding and detaching from your emotions

This is entirely up to you – whether it’s a physical exercise, like doing 15 min of yoga, or imagining yourself connecting to the center of the earth and feeling the energy. Another great practice to get out of your thoughts, for those with fast, highly active minds, is to journal.

It’s all about realizing we are not our thoughts and emotions. We are a soul experiencing that. We can observe our emotions to learn be proactive instead of reactive.


The starting point is the point of no return. Once you are fully invested, there is no turning back. No questioning if this is right or wrong.

Once you realize you are doing it, you are all in, it opens you up to what you are able to do.

Are you in?

Learn How to Discover Your Purpose, Start a Passion Business, and Build a Strong Entrepreneurial Mindset. Get the 1st chapter of my book Broken Star: My Self-Love Journey

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